Entering Texas 5/6/12 |
So, yesterday (Sunday) was a long drive day....went from Oklahoma City to Albuquerque, NM. Following I-40 straight west, we traveled thru what is called the 'pan handle' of Texas...to me, it looks more like the top of a hat.
Texas Scruffy Landscape along I-40 |
I sort of expected to see lots of oil wells and long-horned steer. And - we did pass 2 small private oil wells, and saw one small grouping of long-horned steer....but that was it! In each case, I was too slow on the camera. Instead, we saw miles and miles of scruffy landscape.
Welcome Center, Amarillo, TX |
Texas sure lives up to its reputation of HUGE and expansive. We drove more than 100 miles before we even got to the Welcome Center in Amarillo. If you look close, you can see some metal steer decorating the way-closest we got to steer!
Warning: Rattler Territory |
We were quickly reminded of the rattlesnakes in the area....and, this being their natural habitat, were warned to give them a wide berth. The day we were traveling, the wind was kickin' and it was cold...those rattlers must have been hunkered down...we never saw a one!
Entering New Mexico 5/6/12 |
By mid-day, we were crossing into New Mexico....very quickly, we saw some pretty dramatic changes in the landscape...although the high winds followed us all day. Between the trucks 'n' the winds, Dick has really had to work hard to keep our rig on the road!
NM Plateaus a Rising |
The plateaus were evident shortly after entering NM....they seemed to rise up everywhere. There was not much else along the highway except some shacks and storage sheds.
Decorative Overpass (NM) |
Lots of decorative touches in New Mexico, with evidence of Native American art everywhere. We were treated to such decorations each time we traveled thru an underpass.
Becoming More Mountainous |
Gradually, the plateaus gave way to more mountainous regions. These pictures certainly cannot capture the breathtaking views..........so very different from the east coast waterways of home.
Dinner at El Bruno's/Albuquerque |
At the end of the day, Dick decided it was time for a nice dinner...our first since we left Oriental a week ago. El Bruno's turned out to be a delicious southwestern treat....and, the margarita's were 'to die for.'
Red Rock Towers (NM) |
Today (Monday), we completed our trek through New Mexico, following an overnight stop in Albuquerque. The landscape continues to change, we are seeing more and more of those majestic red rock 'towers.'
Gallup Visitor's Center (NM) |
We made a stop in Gallup, NM...having read about this location as the largest authentic Native Indian and turquoise wholesale location in the world. And...we were not disappointed!!! This is the Visitor's Center in Gallup.
Beautifully Crafted Saddles |
In addition to gawking over the stunning jewelry, we could not help but notice the beautiful leather work.....just had to take this pic of horse saddles for our good friends and neighbors, Chuck and Wanda!
Coal Street Pub, Gallup, NM |
Best part of the day was the great lunch we had in Gallup at the Coal Street Pub. Cold beer, great sandwiches, sweet potato fries and friendly folks. It does not get much better than that!! Oh.....and the elevation here is 6,000 ft! YIKES!
Arizona Welcome Center |
Finally, about 3:00PM (MDT), we crossed into Arizona .... headed for Flagstaff. Immediately, we see the huge red boulder formations throughout the landscape. The elevation (7,000 ft) makes me so thirsty. I bet I have put down more than a gallon of water today and am still thirsty!
Arizona Welcome Center |
Cutter has enjoyed the wandering and many new smells. He does have a time, however, finding those tall grasses and woods where he likes to 'take care of business.' They are not to be found here.
Train Traffic Lines the Highway |
What has been surprising to us is the amount of rail traffic along I-40. Since there is little else but endless road and land....for miles and miles and miles, I guess transporting via rail is the way to go.
Settling in Arizona |
So....tomorrow is the day we will enter into the Grand Canyon. Dick has made a reservation at Trailer Village...along the lower rim. We will be there for a week and are really looking forward to our stay here. Our neighbor this evening tells us there is a big old elk that lives in the 'village.' Evidently he just wanders around....can't wait to see him!! So - that's it for tonight! Next update will be from the 'Lower Rim' :-)
Oh what an exciting couple of days ya'll have had! Chuck and I checked out the saddles. That is a talent to make a beautiful saddle. We missed you at SDC tonight. I think everyone is following your blog so we talked a lot about your trip. Still have not heard how Mackie ended up in election. Will check in on y'all tomorrow. Stay safe. Enjoy the Grand Canyon. Miss you. Luv, Wanda and Chuck.