Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Grand Canyon; We're Finally Here! (May 8, 2012)

Waiting for Laundry Dryer to Finish
Good Evening....we have finally figured out what time it is in Arizona!  We had been thinking we were on Mountain Daylight Time.  We were up and moving at 7AM today so I could do laundry before leaving the campground in Flagstaff.  When Dick returned from walking Cutter, he was curious no one else was out and about.  After a quick search on the internet, we learned that the state of Arizona does not follow daylight savings time.  So.....it was really 6:00AM!  We are 3 hours behind y'all while in AZ.

I was happy b/c I gained another hour to do laundry and get myself together before breaking camp.  While waiting for the dryers to finish, I decided to enjoy the sun and landscape.

Headed Toward Grand Canyon
It took us almost 2 hours to travel from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon east entrance.  We were advised against using the road to the south entrance due to narrow back roads.....makes the route tricky for our rig!

This shot shows typical landscape on the way.....very desolate.  We passed a few remote gas stations, one restaurant (shack-type), and a few road side stands peddling Native American trinkets.

Our First Glimpse of the Canyon
As we headed west on Rt. 64 toward the East Entrance, we started getting glimpses of canyon landscape......SO breathtaking that it was a challenge to keep Dick's eyes on the road!

We finally passed through the East Entrance for the Grand Canyon by early afternoon - and we thought we were there.  WRONG!!  It was almost another hour til we started to see signs for the Visitor's Center and Trailer Village.  We have never seen such expanse....except in the ocean, but out there - it is tough to feel the distance.

Visitor's Center: Grand Canyon
We have been soaking up all the interesting facts about the Canyon since our arrival; its history, formation and resident populations.  It has been especially exciting to learn more about the California Condor...the species was all but extinct.  There has been an extensive program protecting, enhancing and monitoring the Condor population...and recently, they have been  reintroduced into their wild native territory. Awesome!

So, we are leaving the Visitor's Center and I noticed this Condor etched into the rock.  Is that so cool!! 

Cutter has also been enjoying the sites....AND the smells.  He is so eager to get his sniffer going that sometimes it is tough to remind him there is 'business' to be done in 'them thar hills.'

Actually, he got his first nose-poke sniffing around today.....seems he encountered a small, but sharp cactus.  He did NOT like that at all.  I guess it is a learning for him, too....this new and strange territory!

All Setup At Our Campsite
So...here is our spot for the next few days.  We are eager to get going on our first full day here. I think we will stick to the shuttles tomorrow, however, until we get a better feel for our surroundings.  There are many places to get lost...on foot, buy car, and many other modes of movement!

The temps here are in the low to mid-60's daytime; low 40's at night.  No need for A/C in these parts!  We're getting ready to settle down for the night.  The past week has required an exhausting pace and we are ready to slow down and enjoy!

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