Friday, May 11, 2012

Last Day in GC (Friday, May 11, 2012)

Bright Angel Lodge
Well...we did not quite make it out by 6AM....7:05 was the best I could do!  We decided to start the day with full bellies, so we treated ourselves to breakfast at the lodge.  YUM!  Also, I was pretty sure I'd be too whipped to make dinner tonight, so thought one good meal was a good plan.

Dick Filling Up at the Water Station
They really do an amazing job   at the park providing lots of great information about safety ....and proper prepping for hiking is part of that process.  Packing plenty of water, food, and salty snacks is all part of a safe start.

And, We're Off...

So, here we are. It is 8:30 and we are ready to get started on the Bright Angel Train - the most frequently traveled.  The entire trail goes all the way to Phantom Ranch - the only 'lodge' down in the Canyon....a 12 mile 'jaunt;' round trip - never recommended to be attempted in one day.

Breathtaking...Down the First Path
There are other stops between the top and bottom - rest stops at 1.5 miles, and another at 3 miles (one-way each). A mid-way rest and camping location is called Indian Gardens at 4.5 miles.  Hiking to the 1.5 mark is considered moderate; the others difficult.

Hiking Poles are a Necessity
It is stressed repeatedly in writing, and from Ranger staff, to remember: going DOWN is the 'easy' part....coming UP is more difficult and takes at least twice as long as the initial decline.  We learned quickly that the entire trail requires serious attention, respect and careful footing.....even a slip going down can have serious consequences.  Dick was insistent about getting hiking poles for our trip.  Good thing he did; I could not have made it w/o them!

Tunnel Along the Path
This is me....taking a picture of one of the tunnels created when the trail was constructed.  As the sun rose in the sky, this was yet another place to seek some shade and rest.

Oh...that's another thing.  The temps at the top were in the mid-70's.  The temps increase as you decline into the Canyon - another important little tidbit of info!  The high deep in the Canyon today was close to 100.....

Steep in an Understatement
The depth is astonishing, as you can see...we are walking right along the edge.  The width of the path ranges from 2 to 3 feet and, while there is an 'edge,' the stones and sandy dirt can make for slippery passage.  Glad we had those hiking poles to 'dig in.'

Zig-Zag Trails
The trail zig-zags back and forth all the way down....the only way you could possibly make the descent.  While this is a good thing, the constant back and forth can be discouraging because you don't feel like you're making any headway. Are we there yet?

Still Headed Down
There were lots of hikers to keep us company.....everyone friendly and willing to help, if needed.  There was certainly a difference in the fresh appearance of those on the descent, as compared to those trekking back to the top.  Those coming from Phantom Ranch looked a bit 'worn,' having left the campsite at 5AM to get to the top by noon.  We were still doing OK - but also still going down.

Towering Mass
Looking 'up' was an incredible experience.  While this may not look too high to you, I can tell you that it was a pretty awesome feeling to be so close to such massive stone mountains lifting high up into the sky.  It has a way of reminding you that we are all just mere flecks on the landscape - a valuable lesson in perspective.

First Rest Stop
This is the 1.5 mile rest stop.  We have been hiking down for about an hour and a half.  The sandy dirt now has a reddish color, and we see hikers resting more frequently than before - us too!!  It is now about 10:00, and the heat has certainly increased.

Hot, Dry Trail Continues
Along with the heat and altitude, it is strange there is little sweat.  I am usually soaked from perspiration in the 80's at home.  Yet by now, I have not even wiped my brow.  The threat of dehydration and serious heat exhaustion is real - and a conscious effort must be made to prevent such occurrences.  Hence; the warnings to keep drinking plenty of fluids! Water is available at rest stops, but you need to be sure you pack enough water to get you there.

The Trail Back Up
It is at this 1.5 rest point that I talk Dick into heading back up.  While he would prefer to go further, I am concerned about the reality of climbing back up....which we have not yet experienced.  I am also conscious of my knee.  I had meniscus surgery in January, and I can now really feel the 'bone on bone' thing the surgeon tells me I have.  The cortisone shot I had a few weeks ago has had no effect.  I sure could use some of that gel stuff.

So...we trek back up; for the next 3 hours.  The 'up' brings new meaning to a cardio workout, and we are both sitting to rest at every shady opportunity.  I was pretty much the 'tortoise;' slow and steady... well, maybe not so steady toward the end.
Dick is now back up to the Trail Information sign....we are almost there.  I am so covered with fine, sandy dirt that my green hiking shoes look a solid brown.  We are exhausted.....but, we made it in one piece.  We slowly drag ourselves back to the village to find a seat in the shade, eat our smashed PB sandwiches, and savor in one more ice cream cone.  I am headed home to Advil, a shower, and a nap!  Dick is off to see the west side of the Canyon.....on the red line shuttle.  My knee is saying 'what, are you crazy!'  I opt for the shuttle back home.  Tomorrow AM, we are leaving Grand Canyon and heading for Hoover Dam.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks for the virtual tour! That's as close as I'll get.
